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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/04/24 Disconnection of the Exiles Bryan Britz Bible Class The Faithfulness of God Bible Study - Wednesday 20241204_Class.mp3
12/01/24 A Litany of Lies Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20241201_Sermon.mp3
11/24/24 Politics of Peace David Brickey Sermon N/A Sermon 20241124_Sermon.mp3
11/24/24 Lepers at the Table Joshua Jones Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20241124_eulogy.mp3
11/20/24 God's Faithfulness Despite Our Defiance Joshua Jones Bible Class The Faithfulness of God Bible Study - Wednesday 20241120_Class.mp3
11/17/24 Let's Go, Sheep! Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20241117_Sermon.mp3
11/10/24 Geriatrics in Active Service Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20241110_Sermon.mp3
11/10/24 The Ultimate Veteran's Day Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20241110_Eulogy.mp3
11/03/24 Imitating Jesus Evan Rude Sermon N/A Sermon 20241103_Sermon.mp3
11/03/24 Who shall rule? David Brickey Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20241103_Eulogy.mp3
10/27/24 How to be humble like Jesus Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20241027_Sermon.mp3
10/27/24 Suffering and Deliverance Isaac Hall Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20241027_Eulogy.mp3
10/20/24 The Will of God Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20241020_Sermon.mp3
10/20/24 Sweet Communion Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20241020_Eulogy.mp3
10/16/24 The Faithfulness of God Bryan Britz Bible Class The Faithfulness of God Bible Study - Wednesday 20241016_Class.mp3
10/06/24 Through Troubled Waters Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20241006_Sermon.mp3
10/06/24 Savior of the World Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20241006_Eulogy.mp3
09/29/24 Redigging the Wells David Brickey Sermon N/A Sermon 20240929_Sermon.mp3
09/29/24 Partaking the Supper as a Weaned Child Henrique Ruiz Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20240929_Eulogy.mp3
09/22/24 One Verse Evangelism Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20240922_sermon.mp3
09/22/24 Bearing the Mark of Cain Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20240922_Eulogy.mp3
09/19/24 How We Got the Bible - The Final Act of Translation Mike Wilson Special Series How We Got the Bible Other Series How_We_Got_the_Bible_6_--_Final_Act_of_Translation.pptx 20240919_Special.mp3
09/18/24 How We Got the Bible - An English Translation - Finally! Mike Wilson Special Series How We Got the Bible Other Series 20240918_Special.mp3 How_We_Got_the_Bible_5_--_An_English_Bible.pptx
09/17/24 How We Got the Bible - the Bible in the Middle Ages Mike Wilson Special Series How We Got the Bible Other Series How_We_Got_the_Bible_4_--_Middle_Ages.pptx 20240917_Special.mp3
09/16/24 How We Got the Bible - The Transmission of the Text Mike Wilson Special Series How We Got the Bible Other Series 20240916_Special.mp3 How_We_Got_the_Bible_3_--_Transmission.pptx

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