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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/22/23 Worthy is the Lamb Branden Lingerfelt Sermon N/A Sermon 20231022_Sermon.mp3
10/15/23 The Messiah Has Come - Can I Get a Witness? Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20231015_Sermon.mp3
10/15/23 Better That One Man Dies Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20231015_Eulogy.mp3
10/08/23 The Chosen - Peter Preston Hollis Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20231008_Eulogy.mp3
09/24/23 Josiah - A Teenage Hero Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230924_Sermon.mp3
09/24/23 We Would See Jesus Regan Sink Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230924_Eulogy.mp3
09/20/23 Not of this World Ron Drumm Bible Class N/A Bible Study - Wednesday 20230920_Class.mp3
09/17/23 Jesus Genealogy in Luke 3 Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230917_Sermon.mp3
09/17/23 Between Two Thieves Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230917_Eulogy.mp3
09/10/23 Worship Will Richardson Sermon N/A Sermon 20230910_Sermon.mp3
09/10/23 A Pleasing Aroma Zach Smelser Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230910_Eulogy.mp3
09/03/23 How does Ephesians 4:29 Look on You? Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230903_Sermon.mp3
09/03/23 Exodus Class Richard Smotherman Eulogy N/A Bible Study - Sunday 20230903_Class.mp3
09/03/23 A Perfect Sacrifice Tim Earnhart Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230903_Eulogy.mp3
08/27/23 Substance Abuse Ralph Walker Sermon Unstained by the World Sermon 20230827_Sermon.mp3
08/20/23 The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230820_Sermon.mp3
08/20/23 A Marauder's Meal Garet Qualls Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230820_Eulogy.mp3
08/13/23 Exodus Class 1 Richard Smotherman Bible Class Exodus Bible Study - Sunday 20230813_Class.mp3
08/13/23 Singing Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230813_Sermon.mp3
08/06/23 Keep Holding On Adam Olson Sermon N/A Sermon 20230806_Sermon.mp3
08/06/23 The Gordian Knot David Brickey Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230806_Eulogy.mp3
08/03/23 Why does God want Me to Pray to Him? Edwin Crozier Special Series Summer Series 2023 - Help Me Understand Other Series 20230803_PraytoHim.mp3
08/03/23 Why are there so many different Bible Translations? Greg Bell Special Series Summer Series 2023 - Help Me Understand Other Series 20230803_BibleTranslations.mp3
08/03/23 What is the Story of the Bible? Edwin Crozier Special Series Summer Series 2023 - Help Me Understand Other Series 20230803_StoryofBible.mp3
08/03/23 Why should I believe the Bible is THE Word of God? Greg Bell Special Series Summer Series 2023 - Help Me Understand Other Series 20230803_THEWord.mp3

Displaying 151 - 175 of 545

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