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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/26/23 The Un-Kingdom Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230326_Sermon.mp3
03/22/23 The Deceitful Allure of Not Loving God with All Bryan Britz Bible Class N/A Bible Study - Wednesday 20230322_Class
03/19/23 Immanentizing the Eschaton David Brickey Sermon N/A Sermon 20230319_Sermon.mp3
03/19/23 Israelites' Gold Conner Duff Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230319_Eulogy.mp3
03/12/23 The Admonishment to "Put On" Ron Drumm Sermon N/A Sermon 20230312_Sermon.mp3
03/12/23 John 16 & 17 Adam Olson Bible Class Bible Class 2023 - The Gospel of John Bible Study - Sunday 20230312_Class
03/12/23 Subduing the Earth David Brickey Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230312_Eulogy.mp3
03/05/23 Our Daily Bread Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230305_Sermon.mp3
03/05/23 Jesus, Our Older Brother Garet Qualls Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230305_Eulogy.mp3
03/01/23 The Deceitful Allure of Blending In Bryan Britz Bible Class N/A Bible Study - Wednesday 20230301_Class
02/28/23 Then You will know that "I AM THE LORD" Dennis Allan Special Series N/A Other Series 20230228_Sermon.mp3
02/27/23 Who Makes the Rules? The Need for Humility before God Dennis Allan Special Series The Earth is the Lord's Other Series 20230227_Sermon.mp3
02/26/23 In the Lord, Life Goes On Dennis Allan Sermon The Earth is the Lord's Sermon 20230226_Sermon.mp3
02/26/23 The Rejected Lord Becomes Our Savior Dennis Allan Eulogy The Earth is the Lord's Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230226_Eulogy.mp3
02/19/23 Creating a Sin Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230219_Sermon.mp3
02/19/23 Vessels of Deliverance Joe Cable Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230219_Eulogy.mp3
02/12/23 What Thomas Missed Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230212_Sermon.mp3
02/12/23 Destroy This Temple Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230212_Eulogy.mp3
02/08/23 The Parable of the Lost Dogs Mark Roberts Sermon N/A Bible Study - Wednesday 20230208_sermon.mp3
02/05/23 How To Stop Worrying and Start Living Benjamin Lee Sermon N/A Sermon 20230205_sermon.mp3
02/01/23 The Diceitful Allure of Jealousy Bryan Britz Bible Class Bible Class 2023: The Deceitful Allure of Sin - Understanding the Lies That Make Sins Look Good Bible Study - Wednesday 20230201_Class.mp3
01/22/23 The Greatest People in Jesus' Eyes Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230122_sermon.mp3
01/22/23 Gospel of the Boat Adam Olson Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 20230122_Eulogy.mp3
01/15/23 Faith That Enables Forgiveness Jesse Martin Sermon N/A Sermon 20230115_Sermon.mp3
01/08/23 If I Were Noah... Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 20230108_Sermon.mp3

Displaying 226 - 250 of 545

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