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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/10/21 It Is Finished (Part 1) Ralph Walker Eulogy It Is Finished Lord's Supper Eulogy 101021-1.mp3
10/03/21 The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us - Part 1 Ron Drumm Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 100321-1.mp3
10/03/21 Light Out of Darkness David Brickey Sermon N/A Sermon 100321-2.mp3
09/26/21 Leading, Following, and Falling Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 092621-2.mp3
09/26/21 Song of Jesus in the Garden Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 092621-1.mp3
09/19/21 Josiah's Reforms Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 091921-2.mp3
09/19/21 Joseph's Treatment of His Brothers Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 091921-1.mp3
09/12/21 Flee from Idolatry David Brickey Sermon N/A Sermon 091221-2.mp3
09/12/21 From Fear to Joy David Brickey Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 091221-1.mp3
09/05/21 Dodging Temptation Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 090521-1.mp3
08/29/21 Why is the Bible so Hard to Understand? Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 082921-2.mp3
08/29/21 Joseph's Plea Went Unheard Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 082921-1.mp3
08/22/21 Freedom through Obedience Adam Olson Sermon N/A Sermon 082221-2.mp3
08/22/21 The Scandal of the Cross Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 082221-1.mp3
08/15/21 Calvary Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 081521-1.mp3
08/08/21 Being Servants Bob Dunn Sermon N/A Sermon 080821-2.mp3
08/08/21 Never Forget! Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 080821-1.mp3
08/06/21 Why Should I Believe in Christianity as the Only True Religion? Tom Hamilton Special Series Why Should I Believe? Bible Study - Wednesday 080521-1.mp3
08/01/21 Living As Books Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 080121-2.mp3
08/01/21 Seeing Jesus in the Burning Bush Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 080121-1.mp3
07/29/21 Why Should I Believe in God in the Face of Modern Science Todd Chandler Special Series Why Should I Believe? Bible Study - Wednesday 072921-1.mp3
07/25/21 Jesus on Worry Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 072521-2.mp3
07/25/21 And the Rock was Christ Garet Qualls Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 072521-1.mp3
07/22/21 Why Should I Believe in Salvation? Ray Madrigal Special Series Why Should I Believe? Bible Study - Wednesday 072221-1.mp3
07/18/21 Can the captives be set free? David Brickey Sermon N/A Sermon 071821-3.mp3

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