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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/16/22 The Irony of Jesus' Burial Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 011622-1.mp3
01/09/22 Abraham's Prayer Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 010922-2.mp3
01/09/22 The Trysting Place Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 010922-1.mp3
01/02/22 Become a New Creation Henrique Ruiz Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 010222-1.mp3
01/02/22 276 Souls David Brickey Sermon N/A Sermon 010222-2.mp3
12/26/21 The Hospice Table Ralph Walker Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 122621-1.mp3
12/19/21 Overcoming Self Deception David Brickey Sermon N/A Sermon 121921-3.mp3
12/19/21 Cemetery for Foreigners Joe Cable Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 121921-1.mp3
12/12/21 He Is Able Kelly Johnson Sermon N/A Sermon 121221-2.mp3
12/12/21 The Greatest Rescue Mission Garet Qualls Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 121221-1.mp3
12/05/21 Considering the Life of Jesus, In Eulogy Bob Dunn Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 120521-1.mp3
11/28/21 The Value of Disaster Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 112821-3.mp3
11/28/21 Concerning Christ in All the Scriptures David Brickey Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 112821-1.mp3
11/21/21 The Story of Cornelius Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 112121-2.mp3
11/21/21 It Is Finished (Part 2) Ralph Walker Sermon It Is Finished Lord's Supper Eulogy 112121-1.mp3
11/14/21 Digital Diet and Nutrition Daniel Broadwell Sermon Christians and the Digital World Sermon 111421-3.mp3
11/14/21 Building Tech-Wise Homes Daniel Broadwell Bible Class Christians and the Digital World Bible Study - Sunday 111421-2.mp3
11/14/21 The Greatest Spectacle Scott Kercheville Eulogy Christians and the Digital World Lord's Supper Eulogy 111421-1.mp3
11/13/21 Not All Things Edify: Christians and Social Media Daniel Broadwell Bible Class Christians and the Digital World Other Series 111321-2.mp3
11/13/21 I Will Not Be Mastered: Christians and Screens Scott Kercheville Bible Class Christians and the Digital World Other Series 111321-1.mp3
11/12/21 Is Technology Really Idolatry? Scott Kercheville Bible Class Christians and the Digital World Other Series 111221-2.mp3
11/12/21 Eden vs. Babel: Two Pictures of Human Ingenuity Daniel Broadwell Bible Class Christians and the Digital World Other Series 111221-1.mp3
11/07/21 The Love of Enemies David Brickey Eulogy N/A Lord's Supper Eulogy 110721-1.mp3
11/07/21 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Steven Ford Sermon N/A Sermon 110721-3.mp3
10/31/21 God's Leaders - What Are They Like? Ralph Walker Sermon N/A Sermon 103121-3.mp3

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